Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here's the Nokia 7270, which is a lot more practical looking - and a clamshell from Nokia, be still my heart! And features-wise, it's utterly pedestrian, with just a VGA camera and - wait for it - "Chic Pinball." Wow, Nokia, could you telescope your desire to be cool out any further? "Chic Pinball" is the phone equivilent of a chunky pre-teen wearing a "Too Sassy" halter top.
Then there's the Nokia 7260, who we've seen before, albeit in the red-and-black version, where it met almost universal derison. I don't think the cream-colored version is so bad, but it's still extremely plain as far as features go.
So there you have it - one mildly interesting phonesque stick, a clamshell that can't get a date to the prom, and candy bar phone with just enough weird swoops and curves to keep most people far, far away from it. Way to go, Nokia! I applaud your courage to look at your slumping sales numbers and continue to pioneer daring phone designs that have to be forced down customers' throats with terms like "fashion-forward" and "Art-Deco-meets-Industrial-Design" and - god help us - "Garbo-esque."
Look - Nokia 7280 Images Page [Nokia]Look - Nokia 7270 Images Page [Nokia]Look - Nokia 7260 Images Page [Nokia]
Update: Ooh, It looks like Nokia's handsets may not be selling so badly after all! Oh well, soaring stock doesn't make these not ugly.Read - Nokia ups 3Q outlook, shares jump [Money.CNN]
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